AVTOKYO 2020 Events
Open xINT CTF by Team pinja
Phishing Village
Michio's Room (Live Talk) / 邦題:みちをの部屋
lock-smith's room 邦題:鍵師の部屋
Open xINT CTF by Team pinja
It's time to exercise your OSINT skills! Probe onsite/Internet/SNS for clues, gather the intel, follow the leads, until you find ""the answer"". Have you ever wanted to be James Bond? Well, here's your chance.
Eligible for: AVTOKYO attendees
Competition Time: 2020/10/31 10:00-19:00(JST)
Registration: from 2020/10/31 09:00(JST)
Event Details: http://xintctf.wpblog.jp/
twitter: @pinja_xyz
開催時間:2020年 10月 31日(土) 10:00-19:00(日本時間)
場所:オンライン 当日9:00より参加登録可能
twitter: @pinja_xyz
HIVE goes virtual for you to present and demonstrate security tools. This will give you the opportunity to know security tool creator's works and give your feedback to creators. Get ready for a full virtual demo from anywhere in the world!
// HIVE Timetable / タイムテーブル
15:00 - 15:50
[jp] Vuls by MaineK00n
agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux/FreeBSD
16:00 - 16:50
[jp] PAKURI2 by Mr.Rabbit
17:00 - 17:50
[en] apk-medit by Taichi Kotake (aka. tkmru)
日本語: apk-meditは、動作にroot権限とAndroid NDKを必要としない、APK向けのメモリ改ざんツールです。モバイルゲームの脆弱性診断のために作成されました。 メモリ改ざんは最も簡単なチート方法で、脆弱性診断でチェックする項目の1つです。 GameGuardianのようなroot権限を必要とするチートツールは今までにありましたが、root化されていないデバイス上で使用できるCUIの脆弱性診断ツールは今までありませんでした。 多くのモバイルゲームはチートを妨害するために、root化されたデバイスを検出します。しかし、apk-meditは動作にroot権限を必要としないため、脆弱性診断時にroot化検知を無効化する必要がなく、簡単にメモリ改ざんを行うことができます。 GitHub: https://github.com/aktsk/apk-medit
English: Apk-medit is a memory search and patch tool for debuggable APK without root & android NDK. It was created for mobile game security testing. Memory modification is the easiest way to cheat in games, it is one of the items to be checked in the security test. There are also cheat tools that can be used casually like GameGuardian. However, there were no tools available for non-root devices and CUI, so apk-medit was created as a security testing tool. Many mobile games have rooting detection, but apk-medit does not require root privileges, so memory modification can be done without bypassing the rooting detection. GitHub: https://github.com/aktsk/apk-medit
18:00 - 18:50
[jp] s_hook by Kenjiro Ichise
19:00 - 19:30
[en] Hardware Hacking by Emilio
Introduction to hardware hacking. Testing "security" for a security camera!
// HIVE Area / 会場
HIVE Channel in AVTOKYO Discord Server
"CFP guys" who sent cool presentation papers to CFX are going to talk at AVTOKYO 2020! ;)
[jp] = Japanese session
[jp] Let's play pwnagotchi (k0uj1k)
Pwnagotchi is a Tamagotchi-inspired open source electronic pet tool with a cute face and Wi-Fi attack. With just a small Raspberry Pi Zero W and a small 2.13-inch e-ink display and a mobile battery, it's fun to take with you. pwnagotchi talks to the Wi-Fi AP, eats a WAP handshake and collects pcap files. K0uj1k, who was fascinated by such a cute cool (⌐ ■ _ ■) pwnagotchi, will introduce how to play pwnagotchi and a very well-made world view.
k0uj1k (twitter:@k0uj1k1)Know a bit of security and IoT.
Through the working of pwnagotchi Japanese translation, I want to make more friend(freak) of pwnagotchi.
[jp] Can someone see your room from video chat !? Techniques for restoring room images from virtual background images and their automation (Ryusei Ishikawa and Satoki Tsuji)
Recently, we have increased the many opportunities of using video chat systems cause of the influence of COVID-19. The virtual background used to hide the room not only eliminates the need to clean the room but also reduces the risk of exposing one's personal life. However, due to the instability of the virtual background of common video chat tools, we discovered that it was possible to restore room images from the footage. We succeeded in automating restore images by using a simple algorithm. We will present the concept of restoration, automation methods and their results, and introduce countermeasures against the methods.
Ryusei Ishikawa: (Ritsumeikan University Colleege of Information Science and Engineering) [Twitter:@ryusei_ishika]
Satoki Tsuji: (School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics Nagoya University?) [Twitter:@satoki00]
[jp] pwnagotchi で遊ぼう (k0uj1k)
pwnagotchi (ポーナゴッチ)はかわいい顔をしてWi-Fiアタックをする、たまごっちにインスパイアされたオープンソースの電子ペットツールです。Raspberry Pi Zero W と 2.13インチの e-ink display の小さな本体とモバイルバッテリーだけなので、連れて歩くと楽しくなります。pwnagotchi は Wi-Fi APに話しかけ、WAPハンドシェイクを食べて pcap ファイルを集めます。そんな、かわいいcool(⌐■_■)な pwnagotchi に魅せられた k0uj1k が pwnagotchi の遊び方と、とてもよくできた世界観を紹介します。
k0uj1k (twitter:@k0uj1k1) セキュリティとIoTをちょっとかじっている人
pwnagotchi の日本語化をやってみて、もっと pwnagotchi の仲間を増やしたいと思っています。
[jp] ビデオチャットの映像から部屋が盗み見られる!? バーチャル背景適用済み映像から部屋の画像を復元する手法とその自動化 (石川 琉聖, 辻 知希)
石川琉聖:立命館大学 情報理工学部 (Ritsumeikan University) [Twitter:@ryusei_ishika]
辻知希:名古屋大学 大学院 情報学研究科 ? (Nagoya University ?) [Twitter:@satoki00]
Phishing Village
Experts with experience in Anti-Phishing gather in this village to discuss the current state of countermeasures and learn at workshops. Take a look at the Timetable and join a session that interests you.
14:30 - 15:00 [Talk] Ask Me Anything with Council of Anti-Phishing Japan's Steering Committee Member - Part 1
15:00 - 15:30 [Talk] Ask Me Anything with Council of Anti-Phishing Japan's Steering Committee Member - Part 2
15:30 - 16:00 [Talk] AVTOKYOフィッシング語らナイト
16:00 - 16:30 [Talk] Japanese Keyword Hack
16:30 - 19:00 Phishing Kit Analysis Workshop
Ask Me Anything with Council of Anti-Phishing Japan's Steering Committee Member
Phishingに関するAsk Me Anything (AMA)セッションです。ホストはフィッシング対策協議会 運営委員の二人。参加者の皆様から直接質問を受け、フィッシング詐欺との闘いにおける最前線のインテリジェンスについて回答いたします。
Yusuke Karasawa:フィッシング対策協議会 副運営委員長 [twitter:@tsukarata]
Noriaki Hayashi:フィッシング対策協議会 被害状況共有WG, STC普及啓発WG 主査 [twitter:@v_avenger]
フィッシングに関してなぜか詳しいPhishHunterたちが集まって、フィッシングサイトの発見からtakedownまでのさまざまな思いを語ります。普段はなかなか話しにくい、ここがダメだから日本からフィッシング詐欺がなくならん! ということをポロポロと口を滑らせる予定です。
PhishHunters, who somehow know a lot about phishing, get together to talk about their various thoughts of Phishing. From the discovery of Phishing Sites to takedown... We talk about what is usually difficult to talk about, such as the reason why there are no more phishing scams in Japan. Let's make a slip of tongue.
Organized by: @tomoaxe, @taku888infinity, @ozuma5119, ...TBA
Japanese Keyword Hack
Google検索していたときに、あれ?変なサイトが表示されたとか、変なサイトに飛ばされたとおもったことはありませんか?それは「Japanese Keyword Hack」という手法なのです。日本人を狙うECサイトの罠と潰し方を解説する予定です。
"Japanese keyword hack", which was already explained by Google, one spam category. However, we, Japanese, at least me, are not familiar with that !! I will explain the details and my observation how to detect and delete them.
Organized by: @yumano
Phishing Kit Analysis Workshop
Time: 31st Oct. 2020 (Sat) 16:30 - 19:00 (JST)
Eligible for: AVTOKYO attendees
Organized by: @ninoseki, @papa_anniekey and @sepi140
Event Details:
English: https://ninoseki.github.io/avtokyo/2020/en/workshop/
日本語: https://ninoseki.github.io/avtokyo/2020/ja/workshop/
Michio's Room (Live Talk) / 邦題:みちをの部屋
A talk show brought to you by Michio Sonoda, who is one of main MC of AVTOKYO. We invite big guests to talk about variety of security topics. Sometimes breaks into the main channel. And Surprise guest break in on the day?
MC:Michio Sonoda Guest : Masaki Kamizono, Yuu Arai
メインMC:園田 道夫 ゲスト:神薗 雅紀 、 新井 悠
lock-smith's room 邦題:鍵師の部屋
At overseas conferences, there are places to talk about key technology and picking technique such as Lockpicking Village and contests. but in Japan ... At this room , we invite lock-smiths and talk about that story, physical security...etc
Modelator: Sen Ueno ( lock-smith Level2)
Panelist: Jumpei Otsuka ( lock-smith Level2)
Panelist: Satoshi Ogawa ( lock-smith Level2)
海外のカンファレンスでは、Lockpick Villageやコンテストなど鍵の技術、ピッキングなどについて語る場がありますが、日本では.... 今回鍵師の方々にお集まりいただき、そのへんの話、物理セキュリティの話...あれやこれやと語る場です。
モデレータ:上野 宣 (Sen Ueno) (鍵師2級)
パネリスト:大塚淳平(Jumpei Otsuka) (鍵師2級)
パネリスト:小河 哲之 (Satoshi Ogawa) (鍵師2級)