[EN] Call For X X = Plan, Idea, Contest, BoF, Talk, etc.
In past AVTOKYO, we asked for some suggestions for open space or sub track. We need your idea for online space again this year.
For example, a gathering such as DEFCON's village, contest, short presentation, workshop, original tool or device "show and tell/feedback" such as Black Hat arsenal, presentation, etc.
We will ask new ideas for online space at AVTOKYO 2021. Of course, papers (presentation) are also welcome!
Please fill out the details and submit the below form until 20th September 2021. And if you have details in attachment, please send them us by email (
AVTOKYO will review them and give proposed time slot for the online space to the interesting proponents.
AVTOKYO 2021 "X" mode Call For X
Date: 23rd Oct. 2021 14:00-20:00 (JST) (TBU)
Deadline for proposal: 20th Sep. 2021 (JST 23:59)
We will provide Discord channel on the AVTOKYO server for each event(X).
We might give some support for infrastructure ...etc. contact us.
[JP] Call For X X = Plan, Idea, Contest, BoF, etc.
AVTOKYO 2021 "X" mode Call For X
開催期間:2021年10月23日 14:00-20:00 (TBU)
応募締め切り:2021年9月20日 (23:59)